Sunday, 2 October 2016

Is India a spiritual country or a religious country?

India was spiritual Country. But it has changed I am not sure what it is now.
To understand the change one need to know the evolution
Sanathana Dharma -> Hinduism -> Hindutva
  • In India majority followed Sanatana Dharma. It was way of living than a religion. The word Hindu has been used meaning Indian. Sanatana dharma is onlyabout the reality of life as it is through the spiritual experiential knowledge.
  • The British added the ism to Hindu and gave the term HINDUISM(Hindu religion) in the 19th century as a means of representing the Hindu, homogenizing, standardizing, and reducing the Hindu to a defined set of beliefs (the doctrine), defined scriptures (the text), and deity (measured against a monotheistic standard).
  • Hindutva, or "Hinduness", a term coined by Vinayak Damodar Savarkar in 1923, is the predominant form of Hindu nationalism in India at presnt. He defined Hindutva ("Hindu-ness") or Hindu as different from Hinduism.
India is a socialist democratic republic at present where people of all religions coexist.

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