Sunday, 2 October 2016

What is Spiritual Quotient(SQ)? What are some examples of a high/low SQ?

Scientists contend that the full picture of human intelligence can be completed with a discussion of our spiritual intelligence – SQ for short.
Spiritual intelligence is the ability to understand that human beings have a need for meaning, value and a sense of worth in what they do.
Neither animals or computers can ask WHY we have these rules or this situation, or whether either could be different or better.They work within boundaries, playing a' finite game'
SQ allows humans to be creative, to seek answers to fundamental questions & play an 'infinite' game.The Spiritual Quotient (SQ) is the sum of our Intellectual Quotient (IQ) and Emotional Quotient (EQ).
And mathematically,
Spiritual Quotient (SQ) = Intellectual Quotient (IQ) + Emotional Quotient (EQ).
Indicators of High SQ
  • Self-awareness
  • Flexibility and adaptability
  • Ability and capacity to face, use and transcend pain and suffering.
  • Vision
  • Values
  • Wisdom not to harm or hurt others and self
  • Holistic approach and views
  • Appetite for seeking answers to fundamental questions by using "why" and "what if"
  • Courage to work against conventions if necessary.

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