Sunday, 2 October 2016

What does the Catholic Church teach on ‘ Generational Curses’?

Personally, I believe that there are curses. Though some might disagree.
Father Gabriele Amorth, perhaps the best known Catholic exorcist in the world; in his own words:
Curse is a generic word. It is commonly defined as “harming others through demonic intervention.” This is an exact definition, but it does not explain the cause of the harm, hence the beginning of confusion. For instance, some believe that curse is synonymous with spell or witchcraft. In my opinion, spells and witchcraft are two different types of curses. I do not claim to give a comprehensive explanation, and I rely solely on my own experience when I defend the following forms of curses.
Curses invoke evil, and the origin of all evil is demonic. When curses are spoken with true perfidy, especially if there is a blood relationship between the one who casts them and the accursed, the outcome can be terrible.
Fr. Amorth on the 4 Types of Curses (On 16/09/2016 he passed away )
It is very important to remember that the sins of previous generations can be visited upon the present generation, as well as our sins today being visited on future generations.
The Bible says in Exodus 20:5 (where God gives us His First Commandment to have no strange gods before Him), Exodus 34:7, Numbers 14:18, & Deuteronomy 5:9, that the punishment for sins can be given to the 3rd and 4th succeeding generations.
"Generational Healing" promotes the belief that there is a necessity to heal the family tree based on the alleged "too many cases" where recurring problems such as divorce, alcoholism, financial problems, accidents, run in families. When a person dies, it is believed that his/her spirits who caused such problems or natural spiritual tendencies or inclinations are passed on to the descendants. In other words, it is believed that children are adversely affected by the sins of their parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents, who were also affected by the sins of their ancestors.
It is believed that certain prayers are necessary to "break the generational curses" or bad inheritances. A private Mass or Masses celebrated for one's intentions, or for the healing of any possible bondages afflicting the body, mind or spirit of any family members, living or dead (and also for the prevention of disorders in future family members who do not yet even exist), will heal the family tree.
  • An Exorcist Tells His Story: Fr. Gabriele Amorth: 0008987071020: Books is the best book available on the subject(James Hough have mentioned about it in his answer)
  • ‘A Guide to Healing the Family Tree by Kenneth McAll, M.D.’ is the ideal book for anyone interested in learning about Ancestral Healing. Written by the foremost authority on Ancestral Healing studies, Dr. McAll shows us that people suffering from a variety of illnesses are being influenced by disturbed souls from previous generations. The author tells us that healing lies in confession, forgiveness, mass, a strong spiritual life with God, and attendance at the Eucharist.(Kenneth McAll, M.D is an Anglican psychiatrist)
ON FAMILY-TREE HEALING (support the idea)
Healing the Family Tree: Dr. Kenneth McCall: 9780281069613: Books .(It gives a practical approach to the matter; there are several related books listed)
There are critics do not agree with the idea of ‘Generational curses’
Healing of the Family Tree(arguments against ‘Generational curses’ )

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