- The ultimate goal of Yoga is moksha (liberation, in Hinduism), although the exact definition of what form this takes depends on the philosophical or theological system with which it is conjugated.Yoga is considered as a philosophical school in Hinduism.
Yoga, is one of the six Ästika schools of Hinduism (those which accept the Vedas as source of knowledge).
Holy Yoga practitioners exchange the classical mantra om (a Hindu symbol for the higher self) for the more biblical shalom (Hebrew, “peace”).
2. Yoga: What the Catechism says
“You shall not have strange Gods before me”. What does that mean?
This commandment forbids us:
To adore other gods and pagan deities or to worships an earthly idol or
to devote oneself entirely to some earthly good (money, influence,
success, beauty, youth, and so on)
. To be superstitious, which means to adhere to esoteric, magic, or occult or New Age practices or to get involved with fortune telling or spiritualism, instead of believing in God’s power, providence, and -> BLESSINGS
. To provoke God by word or deed
. To commit a -> SACRILEGE
. To acquire spiritual power through corruption and desecrate what is holy through trafficking (simony). [2110-2128, 2138-2140]
Is esotericism as found, for example in New Age belief, compatible with the Christian faith?
->ESOTERICISM ignores the reality of God. God is a personal Being;
he is love and the origin of life, not some cold cosmic energy. Man was
willed and created by God, but man himself is not divine; rather, he is a
creature that is wounded by sin, threatened by death, and in need of
redemption. Whereas most proponents of esotericism assume that man can
redeem himself, Christians believe that only Jesus Christ and God’s
grace redeem them. Nor are nature and the cosmos God (-> PANTHEISM).
Rather, the creator, even though he loves us immensely, is infinitely
greater and unlike anything he has created. [2110-2128]
Many people today practice yoga for health reasons, enroll in a -> MEDITATION course so as to become more calm and collected, or attend dance workshops so as to experience their bodies in a new way.
These techniques are not always harmless. Often they are vehicles for
doctrines that are foreign to Christianity. No reasonable person should
hold an irrational world view, in which people can tap magical powers or
harness mysterious spirits and the “initiated” have a secret knowledge
that is withheld from the “ignorant”. In ancient Israel, the surrounding
peoples’ beliefs in gods and spirits were exposed as false. God alone
is Lord; there is no god besides him. Nor is there any (magical)
technique by which one can capture or charm “the divine”, force one’s
wishes on the universe, or redeem oneself. Much about these esoteric
beliefs and practices is -> SUPERSTITION or -> OCCULTISM
can follow thousands of catechism courses, thousands of spirituality
courses, thousands of yoga or zen courses and all these things,” his
papalsty said. “But none of this will be able to give you the freedom as
a child (of God). Only the Holy Spirit can prompt your heart to say
‘Father.’ Only the Holy Spirit is capable of banishing, of breaking that
hardness of heart and making it … ‘docile’. Docile towards the Lord.
Docile when it comes to the freedom to love.”
Francis said ‘do not seek spiritual answers in yoga classes’. Yoga is
certainly a risk. There’s the spiritual health risk,”
bad spirit can be communicated in a variety of ways,” Colhoun added.
“I’m not saying everyone gets it, or that it happens every time, and
people may well be doing yoga harmlessly, but there’s always a risk and
that’s why the Pope mentioned it and that’s why we talk about that in
terms of the danger of the new age movement and the danger of the occult
today. That’s the fear.”
Vatican's chief exorcist warns that practicing yoga is 'satanic
Is yoga about worshiping Hindu gods, or is it about engaging in advanced stretching and exercise?
its roots, yoga is said to have originated from the ancient worship of
Hindu gods, with the various poses representing unique forms of paying
homage to these entities. From this, other religions such as Catholicism
and Christianity have concluded that the practice is out of sync with
their own, and that it may result in demonic spirits entering a person's
Others contend that yoga
practice is really more focused on advanced stretching moves and
physical exercise, and that it can bring about healing and improved
well-being such as improved core strength, better circulation and
reduced stress. The intent of the person doing yoga, rather than yoga
itself, in other words, is what defines the extent of how the practice
influences a person's being and soul.
But Father Truqui sees yoga as being satanic, claiming that "it leads to evil just like reading Harry Potter."
And in order to deal with the consequences of this, his religion has
had to bring on an additional six exorcists, bringing the total number
to 12, just to deal with what he says is a 100% rise in the number of
requests for exorcisms over the past 15 years.
Gabriel Amorth
Gabriele Amorth, who for years was the Vatican’s chief exorcist and
claims to have cleansed hundreds of people of evil spirits, said yoga is
Satanic because it leads to a worship of Hinduism and “all eastern
religions are based on a false belief in reincarnation”.
1999, six years before he succeeded John Paul II as Pope, he issued a
document which warned Roman Catholics of the dangers of yoga, Zen,
transcendental meditation and other 'eastern’ practises.
They could “degenerate into a cult of the body” that debases Christian prayer, the document said.
poses could create a feeling of well-being in the body but it was
erroneous to confuse that with “the authentic consolations of the Holy
Spirit,” the document said.
can follow thousands of catechism courses, thousands of spirituality
courses, thousands of yoga or zen courses and all these things,” his
papalsty said. “But none of this will be able to give you the freedom as
a child (of God). Only the Holy Spirit can prompt your heart to say
‘Father.’ Only the Holy Spirit is capable of banishing, of breaking that
hardness of heart and making it … ‘docile’. Docile towards the Lord.
Docile when it comes to the freedom to love.”
am a Indian Catholic and most of the Christians I know don’t practice
yoga. Most the non-Hindu’s(Muslims, and Christians) don’t practice it
either as it goes against their faith.
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