Sunday, 2 October 2016

How can I break out of my shell?

Some of us are naturally shy, while others are naturally outgoing. Most people fall somewhere between “introvert” and “extrovert.”
No matter what your personality’s natural tendency is, it can be easy to allow things like social anxiety and a lack of self-confidence to keep you cut off from the people around you. Fortunately, you can learn to retrain your brain and break out of that shell!
Part 1
Thinking positively
  1. Learn the difference between introversion and shyness.
  2. Turn self-consciousness into self-awareness.
  3. Remember that nobody is watching you as closely as you are.
  4. Challenge self-critical thoughts.
  5. Challenge self-critical thoughts.
  6. Visualize success.
Part 2
Boosting Your Confidence
  1. Master something.
  2. Push yourself past your comfort zone.
  3. Set yourself some “easy” goals.
  4. Embrace the possibility of mistakes.
Part 3 Putting Yourself Out There
  1. Position yourself as approachable.
  2. Ask people open-ended questions.
  3. Start sharing things about yourself.
  4. Master small talk.
  5. Work on reading people.
  6. Focus on the moment.
Part 4 Making It Stick
  1. Start saying "yes" and stop with the excuses.
  2. Extend more invitations.
  3. Know that you can't change completely
  4. Remember to recharge your batteries.
  5. Find your people.
  6. Grow from discomfort.

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