Sunday, 2 October 2016

How can I prove to my brother that his wife hates me?

(You have not revealed whether you are male or female.Answering it assuming you are a man)
The hard reality is Husband wife bond in most cases is powerful than brother-brother bond.Hence if you try to convince him it might rebound and hit you instead. She might have already prepared for the attack.
In case you succeed in convincing your brother , it might affect your brother’s marital life. I don’t think you want that to happen either. ‘You may win the Battle but loose the war’.
She will be your life long enemy.
The enmity from your sister in law is the issue, to solve it you need to dissolve the hatred for you in her mind.
(Don’t be the villain in this story)
Why does she treat you as a treat.?
  • It might be her out of her insecurity and feeling of possessiveness.
  • Probably she might be brain washed by her parents/family to act in this manner.
  • Her family concept could be nuclear family.
Tips for Getting Along with Your Brother’s Wife
  1. Understand that it’s natural to be a little jealous. The important thing is to control your jealousy, not to let jealousy control you.
  2. Behave with empathy. Your sister-in-law is from a totally different family. Help her adjust in your family by having a friendly attitude and a warm approach.
  3. Get to know your common ideas and hobbies. Develop friendship over those areas where both of you are comfortable.
  4. Don’t ask your brother to choose between you and his wife. Questions like “Whom do you love more? Me or your wife?”is downright immature. You are sure to lose.
  5. If you have a problem with her, talk to her; not your brother. He’s going to support his wife anyway.
  6. Don’t try to badmouth her to your mom or brother with an intention of ripping them apart. It may work for a couple of days… but in the long run, it’s going to backfire on you.
Once trust is lost in any relationship it is hard to mend it. Whether it is Husband-wife or Brother-brother.

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