Friday 25 November 2016

Is predictability necessary for trust in a person?

“When you do anything in a consistent manner you are making yourself predictable and therefore easier to trust.” - Gordon White
  • Predictability is the degree to which a correct prediction or forecast of a system's state can be made either qualitatively or quantitatively.
  • Trust is the firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something.

Source - A Preliminary Investigation of the Effect of Social Media on Affectiv…
Trust means being able to predict what other people will do and what situations will occur.
When we say, we trust someone or something,we expect an outcome/result. A trustworthy person has value system and he acts within those boundaries.We believe that he will not cheat us and will act in an expected/predictable manner.
Eg: If the partner cheats you, he/she acts against our expectations(predicted pattern of behavior).
It is when a persons act according to our belief(prediction we have) that we trust them. Hence predictability is necessary for trusting a person.
What is Trust?

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