Friday 25 November 2016

How should I handle the pressure of being alone when a best friend of mine has betrayed me?

If you are betrayed it means he/she was not your friend. So the best thing to do is learn from the mistake and be prudent while making friends. Don’t feel dejected and feel bad about yourself . Close the chapter and move ahead, don’t trust the guy but don’t hate him either. Hatred will ruin you from within, hence introspect from the experience learn from it and be happy.

Don’t waste time by degrading yourself by trying to return the favor. If you are a Indian you might be aware of the concept of ‘Karma’; he will get what he deserves.
While choosing friends remember the story of ‘THE BEAR AND THE TWO FRIENDS’

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Once two friends were walking through the forest. They knew that anything dangerous can happen to them at any time in the forest. So they promised each other that they would remain united in any case of danger.
Suddenly, they saw a large bear approaching them. One of the friends at once climbed a nearby tree. But the other one did not know how to climb. So being led by his common sense, he lay down on the ground breathless, pretending to be a dead man.
The bear came near the man lying on the ground. It smelt in his ears, and slowly left the place. Because the bears do not touch the dead creatures.Now the friend on the tree came down and asked his friend on the ground, “Friend, what did the bear tell you into your ears?” The other friend replied, “The bear advised me not to believe a false friend.”

Do you believe that we face the toughest period of our life before the best one arrives?

It is difficult to provide a Yes/No answer to this question.
We know about Oasis, a fertile spot in a desert, where water is found. While wandering in the desert thirsty we will feel like being in heaven once you see an Oasis. On the other hand if you are in a rain forest on a pleasure trip and you come across a river you may not be as happy when compared.
It is the thirst and the rough terrain that create this feeling.
The same applies to how we perceive success in life.

Source - Google images
When we face adversity in life we somehow want to get over it. When we overcome the situation we feel it is the biggest achievement ever. It is the struggle which we went through in achieving it that gives it this aura. In contrast if we had achieved the same without any trouble we may not always feel it as the best one; we perceive it as just another achievement .
Hence ‘we face the most difficult period of our lives before the best times arrive’ may not be factually true . But the hard ship we faced gives us this perception.
(But I too believe that the best days awaits me once the bad days are over. It helps me move forward.)

What is spiritual intelligence?

Different religions have taken the term ‘Spiritual Intelligence’ and have created their own versions based on their respective faith and Philosophy. Some of the more famous ones are
  2. Spiritual Intelligence: What Is It?(Christian)
  3. Measuring Islamic Spiritual Intelligence (Islam)
  4. The Components of Spiritual Intelligence(Buddhist )
But it was originally Danah Zohar who coined the term "spiritual intelligence" and introduced the idea in 1997 in her book ReWiring the Corporate Brain. It was different from all the versions mentioned above.
Spiritual intelligence is a term used by some philosophers, psychologists, and developmental theorists to indicate spiritual parallels with IQ (Intelligence Quotient) and EQ (Emotional Quotient).

Image source -About 3Q Institute
  • Spirituality exists in the hearts and minds of men and women everywhere, within religious traditions and independently of tradition. Definitions of spiritual intelligence rely on the concept of spirituality as being distinct from religiosity.
  • Spiritual intelligence is defined as "the capacity of an individual to possess a socially relevant purpose in life by understanding 'self' and having a high degree of conscience, compassion and commitment to human values” (Definition by Vineeth V. Kumar and Manju Mehta who researched the concept, extensively. Operationalizing the construct)
Danah Zohar defined 12 principles underlying spiritual intelligence:
  • Self-awareness: Knowing what I believe in and value, and what deeply motivates me.
  • Spontaneity: Living in and being responsive to the moment.
  • Being vision- and value-led: Acting from principles and deep beliefs, and living accordingly.
  • Holism: Seeing larger patterns, relationships, and connections; having a sense of belonging.
  • Compassion: Having the quality of "feeling-with" and deep empathy.
  • Celebration of diversity: Valuing other people for their differences, not despite them.
  • Field independence: Standing against the crowd and having one's own convictions.
  • Humility: Having the sense of being a player in a larger drama, of one's true place in the world.
  • Tendency to ask fundamental "Why?" questions: Needing to understand things and get to the bottom of them.
  • Ability to reframe: Standing back from a situation or problem and seeing the bigger picture or wider context.
  • Positive use of adversity: Learning and growing from mistakes, setbacks, and suffering.
  • Sense of vocation: Feeling called upon to serve, to give something back.
Robert Emmons defines spiritual intelligence as "the adaptive use of spiritual information to facilitate everyday problem solving and goal attainment."
He originally proposed 5 components of spiritual intelligence:
  1. The capacity to transcend the physical and material.
  2. The ability to experience heightened states of consciousness.
  3. The ability to sanctify everyday experience.
  4. The ability to utilize spiritual resources to solve problems.
  5. The capacity to be virtuous.
The fifth capacity was later removed due to its focus on human behavior rather than ability, thereby not meeting previously established scientific criteria for intelligence.
Frances Vaughan offers the following description: "Spiritual intelligence is concerned with the inner life of mind and spirit and its relationship to being in the world."
Cindy Wigglesworth defines spiritual intelligence as "the ability to act with wisdom and compassion, while maintaining inner and outer peace, regardless of the circumstances."
She breaks down the competencies that comprise SQ into 21 skills, arranged into a four quadrant model similar to Daniel Goleman's widely used model of emotional intelligence or EQ. The four quadrants of spiritual intelligence are defined as:
  1. Higher Self / Ego self Awareness
  2. Universal Awareness
  3. Higher Self / Ego self Mastery
  4. Spiritual Presence / Social Mastery[11]
David B. King has undertaken research on spiritual intelligence at Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. King defines spiritual intelligence as a set of adaptive mental capacities based on non-material and transcendent aspects of reality, specifically those that:
"...contribute to the awareness, integration, and adaptive application of the nonmaterial and transcendent aspects of one's existence, leading to such outcomes as deep existential reflection, enhancement of meaning, recognition of a transcendent self, and mastery of spiritual states."
King further proposes four core abilities or capacities of spiritual intelligence:
  1. Critical Existential Thinking: The capacity to critically contemplate the nature of existence, reality, the universe, space, time, and other existential/metaphysical issues; also the capacity to contemplate non-existential issues in relation to one's existence (i.e., from an existential perspective).
  2. Personal Meaning Production: The ability to derive personal meaning and purpose from all physical and mental experiences, including the capacity to create and master a life purpose.
  3. Transcendental Awareness: The capacity to identify transcendent dimensions/patterns of the self (i.e., a transpersonal or transcendent self), of others, and of the physical world (e.g., nonmaterialism) during normal states of consciousness, accompanied by the capacity to identify their relationship to one's self and to the physical.
  4. Conscious State Expansion: The ability to enter and exit higher states of consciousness (e.g. pure consciousness, cosmic consciousness, unity, oneness) and other states of trance at one's own discretion (as in deep contemplation, meditation, prayer, etc.).[13] intelligence - Wikipedia (questionnaire for Spiritual intelligence)

Is predictability necessary for trust in a person?

“When you do anything in a consistent manner you are making yourself predictable and therefore easier to trust.” - Gordon White
  • Predictability is the degree to which a correct prediction or forecast of a system's state can be made either qualitatively or quantitatively.
  • Trust is the firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something.

Source - A Preliminary Investigation of the Effect of Social Media on Affectiv…
Trust means being able to predict what other people will do and what situations will occur.
When we say, we trust someone or something,we expect an outcome/result. A trustworthy person has value system and he acts within those boundaries.We believe that he will not cheat us and will act in an expected/predictable manner.
Eg: If the partner cheats you, he/she acts against our expectations(predicted pattern of behavior).
It is when a persons act according to our belief(prediction we have) that we trust them. Hence predictability is necessary for trusting a person.
What is Trust?

What's the algorithm for happiness?

This is the flow chart for being happy.

1. Calm your mind
Tan advised breathing exercises to calm the brain and "be mindful" of the breathing. “If that’s too hard, then just think about nothing for little bit,” Tan said, according to the BBC. Obviously, this is the first step in meditation which is about calming one's mind and lowering stress.
2. Log moments of joy
Basically, when you are having a great time or enjoying yourself, take the time to express your moment of joy. Modern-day people tend to hold onto the negative, so embracing a happy, positive moment is a necessity. It can also get us to believe that, when looking back, the day was a happy one.
3. Wish other people to be happy
Tan believes in altruism, including "Kindness is a sustainable source of happiness." Apparently charity work gives people almost as much joy as dancing (I think this also says something about how we need to start dancing.) It also feeds positive thoughts about others which lasts weeks. Basically giving is better than receiving.
While there's some debate about the science of Tan's formula, there's certainly nothing wrong with implementing the three keys to happiness.
Google's algorithm for happiness

According to World Happiness Report 2015,Somalia has attained 76th position while India has attained 118th position.How's this possible?

Welcome to new India: it’s shiny and unhappy.
Mahatma Gandhi once said, “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” Looks like we Indians are going wrong, somewhere. India ranks 118 th in the World Happiness Index, down from 117th in 2015. India had ranked 111th in 2013.
The World Happiness Report calculated each country’s ranking on the basis of six variables:
  • The index considers six key categories to calculate this index.
    - GDP per capita
    - Healthy years of life expectancy
    - Social support (as measured by having someone to count on in times of trouble)
    - Trust (as measured by a perceived absence of corruption in government and business)
    - Perceived freedom to make life decisions
    - Generosity (as measured by recent donations)
    Differences in social support, incomes and healthy life expectancy are the three most important factors, the report states. (link to be inserted)
Comparatively speaking, India is not doing abysmally on the GDP stakes. Our life expectancy is healthy enough. We enjoy greater freedom than in countries like Iran, Pakistan and Italy (all of which are happier than India, if the data is to be believed).
The report said that India was among the group of 10 countries witnessing the biggest happiness declines, along with Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Yemen and Botswana.
India comes below Somalia (76), China (83), Pakistan (92), Iran (105), Palestinian Territories (108) and Bangladesh (110).

Source- Google Images
Why is Somalia a happier country?
Ranked at 76 globally in the 2015 World Happiness Report, Somalia is the happiest country in Sub-Saharan Africa, followed by Kenya at 122.
  • Somalis, may be living with a daily bombardment by the Al-Shabaab, but those people have retained more happiness about their country.
  • The report does not assess Somalis’ happiness about GDP, which is fettered by war anyway.
  • And though they have little to say about their health and life expectancy, researchers found that their sense of generosity, social support and imagined happiness and residual liking makes them happier than any other country in the East African region.

Source- Google Images
Why is India unhappy?
The World Happiness index takes into account factors like GDP per capita, social support of having someone to count on in times of trouble, freedom to make life choices, healthy life expectancy, generosity and perceptions of corruption.
Leading experts across fields -- economics, psychology, survey analysis, national statistics, health, public policy and more – describe how measurements of well-being can be used effectively to assess the progress of nations.
  • A 13 year analysis of Crime Data reveals there is one rape every 30 minutes in India
  • One in five cases of honour killing internationally every year comes from India (United Nations)
  • The rate of malnutrition cases among children in India is almost five times more than in China and twice than in Sub-Saharan Africa (The World Bank Report)
  • 12 million children spend their childhood at work and not in a classroom (Census 2011)
  • 270 million persons live below the Tendulkar Poverty Line (NSSO Survey 2013)
  • People are happier living in societies where there is less inequality of happiness.
  • In addition to these startling facts, the scams and controversies which keep popping up every other day are only adding to the misery.

Source - Google images
Back in 2011, a WHO-sponsored study concluded that while around 9% of people in India reported having an extended period of depression within their lifetime, nearly 36% suffered from what is called Major Depressive Episode (MDE).
In 2013, it was reported that 10% of the Indian population suffered from “minor” mental disorders such as stress, anxiety and depression. With this in mind, India's low ranking in The World Happiness Report doesn't seem odd. A heartbreaking 72% felt they needed to conceal their diagnoses because they anticipated censure or discrimination.
  • India’s mental health care is underfunded. India spends a mere 0.06 percent of its health budget on mental care, compared to developed nations such as the United States, which spends 6.2 percent of GDP on mental health, and England which spends 10.82 percent. Even Bangladesh trumps India on its mental health expenditure budget.
  • According to the India’s health ministry, 6-7 percent of India’s population suffers from psychosocial disabilities — roughly 75 million people. Yet India has a psychiatrist to patient ratio of one psychiatrist for every 343,000 patients.
  • Currently, India has just 23% of the required psychiatrists, 25% of required psychiatric nurses and only 3% of the required clinical psychologists and psychiatric social workers. This means India presently has 3,500 psychiatrists, 500 clinical psychologists, 300 psychiatric social workers and about a 1,000 psychiatric nurses.
Add to that the fact that going to see a counsellor or a psychiatrist is invariably treated like a dirty secret.

Source - Google images
The stereotype of India is that it is a place where loneliness vanishes. We’ve surrounded ourselves with stories and images of well-meaning, meddling family members; strangers who invade your personal space because they figure you need help; big fat Indian weddings, and jubilant festivals like Holi and Durga Puja in which crowds become comrades.
It isn’t as though none of this is true, but it’s equally evident that as a society, we’re going through some difficult times. Let’s hope we’re able to talk our way out of them.

Why does Maneka Gandhi protect man eating stray dogs of Kerala?

Sri. Maneka Gandhi is the Indian Union Cabinet Minister for Women & Child Development in the Government of PM Narendra Modi . Majority of those who were attacked are women and children and we expect her being the minister to be have concern for the citizens. But quite strange that her concern is for the stray dogs and not for the citizens of India.
We can argue she is a animal love and hence the response. But Menaka Gandhi was mute when a MLA who broke the police horse Shaktimaan’s leg and it eventually died.
[Deaths due to stray dogs is a small number and hence killing them is inhumane is the argument in favour. But we ignore the fact that of the 20, 565 deaths from rabies which happen each year, dogs are responsible for about 97%.]
Why is she protecting the man eating stray dogs?
  • To know the complete picture one has to understand the scope of Rabies vaccines market in India. Stray dogs are the backbone of this industry.

Source- Google images
Below is the timeline of major incidents of stray dog menace that hit the headlines in national and regional media.
According to a Supreme Court panel there are over one lakh dog bite incidents in Kerala. In 2015-16 alone and the state is estimated to have stray dog population of 2.5 lakhs.
  1. - October 29, 2016 A 90-year-old man who was seriously injured after being mauled by a pack of stray dogs died. He was lying in the sitout of his house at Varkala near here in the early hours, seriously injuring him.
  2. - AUG 20, 2016: A 65-year-old woman was mauled to death by a large pack on a suburban beach at nearby Kanjiramkulam in the state capital. The hapless woman, Siluvamma, a resident of the coastal belt, was attacked by a large number of stray dogs at Pulluvila beach.
  3. - JUNE 7, 2016: A 10-year-old girl was mauled to death by a pack of stray dogs in Madhya Pradesh's Khargone district
  4. - JAN 12, 2016: A 67-year-old President's award-winning teacher died after a street dog attacked him at a village in Bareilly.
  5. - JAN 8, 2016: A three-year-old boy, Angadbir Singh, was mauled to death by a pack of dogs in Hardkhurd village in Amritsar.
  6. - AUG 4, 2015: A six-year-old boy was mauled to death by four stray dogs when he tripped and fell on them in southeast Delhi’s Jamia Nagar.
  7. - APR 15, 2015: A six-year-old girl was attacked and killed by a pack of street dogs at Kakumanu village panchayat in Guntur district.
  8. - JULY 12, 2011: Stray dogs ripped apart a two-year-old baby at a brick construction site in Bagalur in Bengaluru. The child, Prashant, was found dead and mutilated --the dogs tore away portions of his arm and leg.

Source - 90-year-old Kerala man dies after stray dogs attack him at his house
Almost 70% of the dog bite victims have been joggers, minors and senior citizens. Still dogs are to be protected. In India Animal rights triumph over human rights.
The stray dog menace is not just a problem of Kerala, it is a pan India issue. Infact the real treat from these dogs is not the attacks. It is rabies which almost exclusively transmitted through saliva from the bite of an infected animal.

Source- Google images
  • Rabies is the 10th biggest cause of death due to infectious diseases worldwide. Among this, 36% occurs in India.
  • National Multi centric Rabies Survey, conducted in 2003 by the Association for Prevention and Control of Rabies in India in collaboration with the World Health Organization reported that there were 20, 565 deaths from rabies per year in India.
As per recent National guidelines for prevention of rabies in India 2013, dogs are responsible for about 97% of human rabies, followed by cats (2%), jackals, mongoose and others (1%).Every two seconds, one person is bitten by a dog in India. The WHO estimates the stray dog population to be around 25 million in India(2.5 crore), with an estimated dog: man ratio of 1:36 in India.India accounts for more than one third of the world’s total rabies deaths.
  • More than 10, 00,000 people undergo anti-rabies vaccination every year.
Stray dogs are an integral part of the pharma industry, stray dogs spread rabies and they provide the vaccine. Hence they are bound to protect stray dogs as without them the rate of rabies infection will decline.

Source - The Hindu
  • Rabies is the 10th biggest cause of death due to infectious diseases worldwide. Among this, 36% occurs in India.
[Across Asia the annual expenditure due to rabies is estimated to be reaching 563 million USD(Rs. 37,737,580,350 ). It is known that $25 million(Rs. 16,76,011,250 ie over 16 thousand crore) are spent on Post Exposure Prophylaxis in India annually. Around 40% of Post Exposure Prophylaxis is given to children below the age of 15yrs.]
  • The cost of Pneumococcal vaccination in the Indian private sector ranges between Rs.8000 and Rs.16000 for a complete course and for rotavirus, it ranges between Rs.2000 and Rs.4000. This course is given free at PMC-run hospitals and government bear the expense.
(It is the stray dogs that create the opportunity for the rabies vaccine industry to flourish. Without the stray dogs and their bites, we will miss rabies; so we need to protect the stray dogs at any cost.)

Source- Google images
It is pretty clear from the above data who are behind the stray dog lovers. They have brain washed the animal lovers and using them to maintain the need for rabies vaccines. Menaka Gandhi being a member of parliament is expected to be a Philanthropist, but unfortunately she is just another animal lover.
It seems she has turned blind with her love for animals. Before making such irresponsible statements she should first understand the grave threat posed to people here. The government at the center is doing wonders, but she is a misfit to the post.
Govt prioritises rotavirus and pneumococcal disease vaccination under immunisation programme
Costs Analysis of a Population Level Rabies Control Programme in Tamil Nadu, India
India’s ongoing war against rabies
Nonagenarian dies after stray dog attack in Kerala